Friday 18 October 2013

Okober punya menang

Menang #5
ini dah lapuk jugalah...huuhuh kenapa lah malas nk update kat blog..Kat FB je rajin...Maybe sebab tak  berapa pandai & familiar lagi dgn blog2 lah sangat...uhukk...

Ehh melalut memang tak lari eh..
layan gambo jelah

Menang #6

Dan ini yg dapat dari Eh!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Menang #4

Sofy Whirl2Win FB ContestDear N,
Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you are one of the lucky winners in the Sofy360 Whirl2Win Contest.
You will be receiving the prize of one (1) unit of Sofy Hamper.
Stand a chance to win better prizes such as the Grand Prize of 3D2N stay at Hard Rock Hotel Penang, Comfort Nite Pillow or Sofy 'Elegant Fit' Shorts by purchasing any Sofy product with the Whirl2Win sticker/label. A code from a Whirl2Win sticker/label will give you 2 additional spins for that calendar day in addition to your free daily spin! And remember to keep your valid original Whirl2Win Sticker(s) for verification purposes.
We will send you a notification after the Contest period (19 Oct 2013) to inform you of prize collection details.
Thank you for your support and participation! 

Macam harapannn(?) je nk pegi hard rock tuhhh... keh keh keh